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  • Writer's pictureAntonio Fields

Dramatic Categories

Costume Drama & Dramatic Poetry

For a Costume Drama performance with a maximum duration of 8 minutes, the judging criteria are as follows:

  1. Presentation (15 points): Evaluating the overall delivery, stage presence, and engagement of the performers.

  2. Theme (20 points): Assessing the coherence, relevance, and depth of the chosen theme or storyline.

  3. Time Management (10 points): Considering the adherence to the specified duration of the performance.

  4. Message (20 points): Evaluating the clarity, significance, and effectiveness of the underlying message conveyed by the performance.

  5. Costume (10 points): Assessing the creativity, quality, and appropriateness of costumes in enhancing the portrayal of characters and theme.

  6. Use of Stage (10 points): Considering the effective utilization of space, movement, and staging elements to enhance the performance.

  7. Originality (15 points): Gauging the creativity and uniqueness of the presentation, including plot twists, characterizations, and storytelling techniques.

Dramatic Poetry

For a Dramatic Poetry performance lasting no more than 4 minutes, the judging criteria are outlined as follows:

  1. Tone (15 points): Assessing the appropriateness and consistency of the emotional tone conveyed throughout the performance.

  2. Pitch (20 points): Evaluating the accuracy and modulation of vocal pitch to enhance the dramatic effect of the poetry.

  3. Diction (20 points): Examining the clarity, precision, and effectiveness of pronunciation and articulation in delivering the poetic content.

  4. Expression (20 points): Gauging the depth, intensity, and authenticity of emotions expressed by the performer while reciting the poetry.

  5. Time Management (10 points): Considering the adherence to the specified duration of the performance.

  6. Theme (15 points): Assessing the relevance, depth, and interpretation of the chosen theme or subject matter within the poetry.

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