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  • Writer's pictureAntonio Fields


Updated: Apr 26

In assessing elocution, the following seven criteria will be considered:

  1. Introduction, worth 10 points, evaluates the clarity and effectiveness of the opening remarks.

  2. Tone, with a weightage of 10 points, examines the quality and suitability of the speaker's voice modulation.

  3. Pitch, carrying 10 points, assesses the variation and appropriateness of vocal pitch throughout the presentation.

  4. Diction, accounting for 20 points, measures the clarity, pronunciation, and articulation of words.

  5. Expression, also worth 20 points, evaluates the speaker's ability to convey emotion and engage the audience through vocal delivery.

  6. Posture/Appearance, contributing 10 points, considers the presenter's physical demeanor and overall presentation style.

  7. Accuracy of reading, with a weightage of 20 points, assesses the speaker's precision and correctness in delivering the content as written or intended.


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